On October 23, we organized the Conference of Social Economy Organizations and Enterprises at the Palace of Parliament, with the support of the Committee for Labor and Social Protection of the Chamber of Deputies. During this event, we brought together representatives from public and private employment, social, and training services from across the country, as well as social and insertion enterprises, and decision-makers from authorities responsible for vulnerable groups.

We discussed the role of social enterprises in integrating individuals from vulnerable backgrounds into the labor market in Romania. We presented concrete examples, discussed obstacles (both legislative and financial), proposed solutions, and highlighted the tangible benefits that the social economy can bring to the lives of vulnerable workers.

One of the key questions in the discussion was: how can we foster the development of the social economy in Romania? An important message conveyed was that decision-makers should not view involvement in social economy services as a cost but as a long-term investment in people.

The Conference of Social Economy Organizations and Enterprises raised a series of key questions, solutions, and challenges regarding the social economy sector in Romania.

Here are some key ideas relevant to the discussion:

  • What are social and insertion enterprises, and what role do they play in the integration of vulnerable workers into the labor market?
  • What are the funding and budgeting lines for such enterprises to ensure long-term development?
  • What defines a vulnerable worker, and how can institutions provide integrated support for the challenges they face in employment?
  • The need for the implementation of a National Program to support social enterprises.
  • Raising awareness among employers regarding the issues faced by vulnerable workers when considering them for potential employment.

These ideas were discussed alongside representatives from public and private employment, social, and training services from across the country, social and insertion enterprises, and decision-makers from public authorities.

An important message is that every institution, both public and private, as well as every individual, plays a crucial role in supporting these initiatives. Encouraging and informing the public should focus on the procurement of services and products from social enterprises.

The conference was organized as part of the project “Inclusion Has a Voice – Empowering Vulnerable Groups for Social Inclusion and Innovation,” funded by the Active Citizens Fund – Romania through the EEA Grants 2014-2021.

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